ERZA z Golha is owned by Kamila Filipová of z Labského přívozu kennel in the Czech Republic. ERZA is a true old style Czech working female with strong bones, strong head, dark pigmentation, strong temperament, and excellent working abilities. ERZA is titled BH/VT, ZPS 1, IFH-V, IFH 1, ZVV 3, showed very good and surveyed 1st class 5JV1/P. ERZA belongs from her sire's and dam’s side to the 2nd bloodline. ERZA belongs from her sire's side to the 2nd bloodline, namely to the working branch of ALF vom Nordfelsen, FERO vom Zeuterner Himmelreich, TROLL von der bösen Nachbarschaft, ALY vom Vordersteinwald, SIRK vom Belchen, JAGUAR Aritar Bastet, PANTER Aritar Bastet, KERY Kamos-Durabo, KENN Jipo-Me, GAO z Jirkova dvora. ERZA is a proven producing female, of strong versatile working progeny, thas has been bred by our program. She is the daughter from the top working/producing male GAO z Jirkova dvora. From her dam's side, she also belongs to the branch of ALF vom Nordfelsen but this time to the sub-branch of GREIF vom Felsenstein, LOGAN Onyx, EX od Schmidtu, AJO Ja-Kra, CAR pod Molnosskou banou, CORDON An-Sat, ORI z Danaru, FURO Kamos, PIKO Bret Bett, ART ze Sumavske doliny, MOODY z Jirkova dvora. GAO z Jirkova dvora IPO 3, ZVV 3 and MOODY z Jirkova dvora IPO 3 were bred and trained by my good friend and breeding partner, the late legendary Jiří Novotný, who was the director of the z Pohraniční stráže kennel (Czech border patrol) and president of the Český klub německých ovčáků (Czech German Shepherd club). ERZA has exceptional genetics from both GAO and MOODY and we can proudly say that ERZA holds the prestigious Czech ZVV 3 title, which not many dogs have. ERZA has completed all health tests with the best possible results. ERZA is certified HD A, ED 0/0, Spondy 0, DM N/N (Exon 2).
Please note that even health results prepared to the best of our knowledge and belief may always contain errors. These can occur both during sampling and in rare cases in the laboratory as well as during transmission. Please complete your entries with evidence by then.
Please note that even health results prepared to the best of our knowledge and belief may always contain errors. These can occur both during sampling and in rare cases in the laboratory as well as during transmission. Please complete your entries with evidence by then.